Update: DE is aware of network issues within the game: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1364358-psa-tennocon-network-issues-investigating/
Did you hear that, Tenno?
This year, we will witness the grand reveal of the next chapter in Warframe’s story. Tune into this year’s TennoCon at https://www.twitch.tv/warframe!
All times below are in EST - check here for conversions to other timezones: https://time.is/EST
Time (ET) | Segment | hosted by |
12:30PM ET | (Live) Welcome to TennoCon 2023 | Megan Everett & Rebecca Ford |
1:00 PM ET | Art of Warframe | Megan Everett with guests Geoff Crookes, Kaz Adams, Kary Black, Keith Thompson, Eric Vedder |
2:00 PM ET | Sounds of the System | Taylor King with guests Erich Preston, George Spanos, Matt Chalmers, Willem Schonken, Jeff Hartling, Rebecca Ford |
3:00 PM ET | Cosplay Contest | Helen Heikkilä with guest Lightning Cosplay |
4:30 PM ET | TennoLive | Megan Everett with guest TennoLive Crew |
Login Reward
Log in on today to claim:
Dex Operator and Drifter suit
Twitch Drops
Gotva Prime Rifle
12:30 p.m. ET to 4:30 p.m ET (ALL DAY)
Watch TennoCon for 30 minutes from 12:30 p.m. ET – 4:30 p.m. ET to earn a free Gotva Prime Rifle via the Twitch Warframe directory or on Steam with a linked account. The Gotva Prime Rifle will be exclusive for a limited time, but players who miss out on the Drop can earn it in-game at a later date.
Gara Prime
4:30 p.m. ET to 6:00 p.m ET (ONLY DURING TENNOLIVE)
Watch TennoLive for 30 minutes between 4:30 p.m. ET - 6:00 p.m. ET to earn a free GARA PRIME WARFRAME via the Twitch Warframe directory or on Steam with a linked account.
See you, kiddo…
The following is an automatically updated live recap of the devstream, with images brought to you by Kliuqard.
TennoLive recap, coming up shortly! Many thanks to Kliuqard for providing the images!
- Live music performance coming up, silence your phones everybody
- “Dominus, oooooooo^ooo Dominus …”
- Megan’s in charge this year!
- Who wants to see a Soulframe prototype?
- Not a grim-dark fantasy, but a cozy fantasy
- Prototype time! (expect a video link here at a later time)
- Envoy customization will be based on the virtues of Courage, Spirit and Grace
- rather than changing your warframe, you’ll be changing your pact with an omen beast
More housekeeping!
- Don’t forget to claim your Gara Prime Twitch drop!
- DE is partnering with Canada Learning Code to donate $200.000
- SuperDuperNiceTenno just won 100.000 Platinum!
- PUPhoenix and OttoTheTaco just won a Steam Deck! 🎉
- Someone whose name I don’t know how to spell just won a Warframe Vinyl, and an artbook!
- DE is sponsoring a battlebot, the Orbitron! It’s battling as we speak!
- Did you know that DE is giving away this really cool computer?
- Don’t forget to log in today to get this Drifter and Operator suit!
- The Heirloom Collection is now available for a limited time, featuring Frost & Mag.
- Dagath is headlining the October update “Abyss of Dagath”: https://www.warframe.com/news/abyss-of-dagath-coming-october-2023
- Abyss of Dagath is going to be the biggest QoL update this year
- featuring a Hydroid rework!
- also a companion rework!
- Watch September’s devstream for a deep dive (heh)
- Grendel Prime will be coming next with the Zylok Prime and Masseter Prime
- Cross platform save is coming this year
- Is it demo time? Yes!
- You will see the beginning of the next cinematic quest arc
- the plan is to take everything you love about Warframe, and go deeper with what you already know and recontextualize it
The Kalymos Sequence
- (expect a video link at a later time)
- new Entrati mech enemies
- an entire new tileset, accessible from the Necralisk
- a new weapon type to fulfill your mage fantasies
- new boss, from the faction called Murmur
- Whispers in the wall, coming 2023
That marks the end of TennoLive, see you Tenno!
How can DE always manage to take this game in the absolute fucking wildest possible direction and surprise everyone! I love it! When they teased Wally getting involved, never in a million years would I predict things going this way.
I love the way the stone Man In The Wall tileset looked and the weird creepy enemies shown there, hope we can play some actual missions in there and it won’t be just for the quest.
The only thing I’m sad about is that I have to wait all the way to 2024 to see more of it.“Can I sit in your lovesack?” -The Lotus
Stream’s not even 30 seconds in and Rebb’s holding back tears. Think it’s going to be an emotional day.
I got so emotional barely 10 minutes in, I can’t even imagine what it must be like for them!
“Tenno, all your objectives are complete. Get to your Lovesac now.”
They’ve gone mad. Rebb has lost it completely.
And I love it.
I. Am. Speechless.
What the fuck is Warframe 1999, I want to know now.
I have no idea but I think it’s safe to assume that us finding Wally in Abyss of Dagath is going to have very unforeseen consequences? And what was all that with the sleeper, with OG Loid and transferenceing into something big? I am so confused, and yet I want it all asap, really wish they went into at least a bit more detail ahhh
Like is this just another kahl’s garrison type of mission or what?
Oh this is going to be a painful wait
My bet is that the void gave Albrecht some sort of visions, which is why he “knew” about the Tenno before they existed. He started to build these bigass void statues for the tenno to transference into to fight some big bad we’ve yet to see.
Then he put Loid in stasis to be reawoken to help the tenno. And then he killed himself (or had Loid do it for him)
So many juicy implications. I felt like I was having some kind of fever vision of a Secret World/Warframe crossover the entire time.
Wally releasing the Infestation on an alternate reality maybe? God.
Also bisexual icon Albrecht maybe?
Albrecht and Loid were definitely fucking
I want to see the dialogue between Grandmother and Loid now.
A grimoire? Color me intrigued :D
We’ve always been wizards in all but name, but damn if it isnt satisfying to actually get a magic book. I’m going to paint mine white and make it shoot red bullets like its Grimoire Weiss from NieR.
If it’s a secondary weapon, you could use one of the gunstaves as well. With the skin from Harrow deluxe, it would look like a magical staff.
so do we cast spells or just clobber our enemies with the big heavy book?
Clobber as the alternate fire-mode once you’re out of
ammoMP.The clobber is likely a not-shown heavy attack.
They’re finally releasing Warframe
y2k.It’s pretty amazing how much the art has improved over the lifespan of the game, even the Ruins in the section with the Murmurs looks very detailed compared to the more recent tileset reworks like the Corpus Ships.
You mean Warframe 1999 is Warframe 2?
It should just be a mainline update:
Relive the Warframe: 1999 gameplay demo from #TennoCon 2023!
In this stunning new update coming to the game next year, a stranger known as “Arthur” — who bears a striking resemblance to Excalibur — faces a familiar enemy in a new form. Where (or possibly when) does this battle between unknown forces take place?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6NyR1Gfvr8I just wanted to make a y2k joke and Warframe 2 has been a bit of an ongoing joke as well with how long the game has been around.
Ah ok! Thanks for explaining that.
Ohh, so when Rebb at first said that to develop warframe they had to go really back and find the fundamentals and why people love the game and what it is actually good in it… she meant Dark Sector? 😁 That also explains why Steve (jokingly) wanted to go back and develop that.
The only thing that doesn’t fit that theory is that the guy there is called Arthur and not Hayden (also no glaive) and that Dr. Entrati is an actual person there who’s not an orokin which makes it sound more like some parallel universe shit going on?? Ahhhhh
I think we might get more backstory into the Orokin Empire prior to the discovery of the Void. And they really leaned into the Dark Sector roots for how the universe was prior to the void and the Orokin.
What in the name of Hideo Kojima is this lol
Technocytes son, they harden in response to physical trauma
Ohhh also the most important thing - this makes the protokol skins canon
Wow. What a show. I am so excited for the experiences DE has in store for both Soulframe and Warframe. It’s crazy that we’re able to have them for free. And i think that’s very important.
I bet they haven’t mentioned railjack once so far not because they forgot it exists, but rather it’s gonna be the main thing in tennolive so they are saving it for later #copium
Need to remember to check the giant for some missing fingers. We’ve got one powering our Railjack and a second one on the Zariman, and we still don’t know where they came from.
“Found 'em” - Albrecht Entrati
But i think the fingers are already implied to be Wally’s fingers that were cut off by closing the portal at the end of Albrecht’s first venture into the void.
Yep, although I think those were the basis of the void drive technology but the one we have in our railjack is not the “original” severed digit - they somehow managed to duplicate them since they surely had more than just one or two ships in service.
and cloned.
Nevermind 😥
It be like that sometimes
Super excited to get that drifter armor, It looks gorgeous.
Coming soon: Operator Poodle Perm hairstyles!
tap tap tap
You know… on saturday i had a pretty bad headache and felt asleep on the couch… my boyfriend woke me up an hour later to show me this new phenomenon on Necralisk. And that a lot of tennos just standing there listening.
I was awake immediately and felt a shiver… Never thought one sound could make me so hyped!
I am so excited for the future of warframe to come!