KDE’s KOrganizer supports journal entries
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KDE’s KOrganizer supports journal entries
Wow, that sounds cool!
Invidious. It’s to be expected for something like that though.
This looks great! I’ve been using Dsub for ages because it supports streaming via DLNA to my Hifiberry device. I’d love to find a 100% FLOSS app that also has this feature.
I just use plasma panels these days
Can confirm
Also, the community around a distro makes a difference. I don’t think that the EndeavourOS community has quite the lofty expectations of its users that Arch users do, so getting help might be a bit more pleasant.
My understanding is that a good desktop environment experience also relies on distro maintainers packaging things in a timely manner, et cetera.
I can see that too. For me, coming to GNU/Linux as a windows power user, with Gnome, I just felt so limited and unempowered. Switching to Plasma helped me feel in control of my machine.
It’s easy to use, just works, and I like some of the tools it comes with like the graphics driver manager and the kernel manager. It also has a ton of packages, and gets new software quickly as it’s based on Arch. I’ve read all the old anti-manjaro posts / essays, but for my use case, it was solid for years and none of the common complaints affected me. When I first switched to Linux full time, it’s what I used and I never regretted the decision. I have since switched to EndeavourOS, just to be certain about AUR compatibility, but even so, I didn’t have any issues there on Manjaro. It’s still installed on my partner’s computer, and Pamac let’s them run updates without learning commands (which they would forget, because they’re not on the computer often).
Maybe Fedora Kinoite instead?
Seconding KDE. Imo new users will avoid a lot of frustration with Plasma.
I wouldn’t say so - it requires terminal use.
I’m an EndeavourOS user and I love it, but I wouldn’t call it beginner friendly
I feel so alone in my love for Manjaro :[
Cloud GPUs are a thing, but they’re very expensive.
I love ktorrent
Forgive me.