If you are new i recommend “Caddy V2”
It is by far the easiest.
Wait with Nginx until you’re better. (and even then, use linuxserverio/swag instead of nginx)
If you are new i recommend “Caddy V2”
It is by far the easiest.
Wait with Nginx until you’re better. (and even then, use linuxserverio/swag instead of nginx)
Dang. Mine are named after ancient Gods, so my first Server was named Neptune too.
Welcome to the Club.
Neptun for the Hardware running Proxmox
Docker-Server-1 and so on for the VMs
I tried to use Radicale, but it was too much effort, so i started using Baikal instead.
What’s wrong with nix-shell -p?
No, not a server. You can’t even use those with the official App iirc
They mean proxies
Signal even made a blog post about it
Help people in Iran reconnect to Signal – a request to our community
Caddy and Rewrite / strip_prefix doesn’t work?
reverse Proxy based on the /homass and then internally strip the prefix from /homass/x to just /x ?
yeah, but i can still make a Github Repo for Firefoxx and be Verified on Flathub, even though i am masquerading as Firefox. That’s not the Problem.
And you can write your home configs in scheme too
so you have your own Version of Home-Manager as well?
NixOS User here: what made you use Guix over NixOS?
haven’t tried it but couldn’t you technically login to a lemmy-app with your mastodon-account?
I have Pihole in a Proxmox LXC Container that does just that. Just Pihole. It is set to automatically restart.
All for that Reason that you just named.
It makes a lot of sense as soon as you read his Question again and realize he also asked about security
I’m sorry, i already put way too much Effort into these Replies to retype it all, so I’m going to have to redirect you to them.
regarding Security:
please put your thougts on these in the Comments below the respective Comment, to keep it all organized and grouped :)
regarding Privacy:
Yes, Linux definitely has a lot less Telemetry. But: I would argue that without Security you can’t have Privacy.
I would rather give MS their Telemetry than risk a random Attacker getting Access to my entire Computer and all the Data on it.
But “can you have Privacy without Security?” is kind of a Philosophical Question and heavily depends on subjective Definitions of what Privacy is to you, so I don’t think we’ll reach an Agreement there.
For Privacy and Security: I personally chose to switch back to Windows and wait for either redoxos or spectrum-os to mature.
You can also try QubesOS, but for me it just started to bootloop.
Use webapps, install as few things as possible.
Don’t they own the Code?
Can’t they just cease-and-desist them if they cause them trouble?
No. The Admins killed the Instance.
0.001, but still
I currently have Nextcloud and am looking to move away from it. Mainly because my calendar-subscriptions somehow broke and all calendars i subscribe to now are just empty (the old ones are still populated), but also because it makes the subscribed-to calendars available as WebCal, which Thunderbird doesn’t recognize.
i actually think NPM is more confusing. 1: there are practically always already finished Files for Caddy V2. Most of the times directly in the Repo of the Project. A lot of Devs use Caddy themselves. 2: NPM exposes a lot of Options additionally. This can confuse newcomers. With Caddy, all these extra options are invisible. you just write and see “reverse_proxy jellyfin” and that’s it.