I surf it because reddits app is trash and even the desktop old.reddit site is starting to be put out to pasture by reddit. It’s just better here. I use boost for Lemmy and it’s been amazing.
I surf it because reddits app is trash and even the desktop old.reddit site is starting to be put out to pasture by reddit. It’s just better here. I use boost for Lemmy and it’s been amazing.
Summary The company has sent invitations to contacts uploaded by its users without their consent or any other legal basis.
Let’s see, in the EU and was a company that sold and processed data.
All you have done is provided that companies that hold pii in the EU have been fined before.
I’ll ask again, please provide a instance of a person who holds no pii operating a forum or instance that is free, sells no data and makes no profit off the instance being fined.
Cool, so no forum owners of foss…got it.
No it doesn’t, and good luck finding a case where someone has been fined for hosting a free service that doesn’t sell anything.
Usernames that are used in an internal network are, because they’re linked to pii, a public username is not pii.
the offering of goods or services, irrespective of whether a payment of the data subject is required, to such data subjects in the Union; or the monitoring of their behaviour as far as their behaviour takes place within the Union.
Lemmy doesn’t sell anything and it doesn’t monitor you or collect pii.
Usernames are not and never have been considered pii
The GDPR states it clearly that the company/entity has to be collecting pii or selling something to the person. Lemmy does neither of these.
Read the rest of it, instead of cherry picking shit. The instance needs to be collecting your data and selling it or making some sort of money off of it.
Usernames are not PII…the GDPR only applies if someone is making money from the service. It does not mean just because your site is free but hosts ads or sells user data it’s exempt. Lemmy instances do none of this.
What part of personal data do you not understand? Lemmy instances are no processing any personal data
And the link I provided has already stated this, but here it is again.
Says the guy who’s literally arguing with what lawyers in the USA say about the GDPR…good one.
What personal data is a Lemmy instance holding onto?
I’m pointing out how much bullshit is being spread in this damn thread by people who don’t understand the law. You’re the same damn users who get pissy with forums and demand action be taken using a law you don’t understand.
Nothing in there about the gdpr… literally 0, because it’s not part of hosting a forum that doesn’t host private user data or collect non essential cookies.
What personal data is being processed by a Lemmy instance, what are they processing that’s being sold in the EU? The GDPR does not apply here, stop trying to wiggle it into something it’s not.
It absolutely does, if the company processes data of EU residents. The US enforces GDPR themselves, as they have signed an agreement to do so. To be clear, this means that according to US law, if you are a US web host, you can abuse US customer data and the FBI will not come after you, but if you do so with EU customer data, US authorities will come after you on behalf of the EU.
No it does not, the instances are free, no one is making money off user data or selling anything to the user. It does not apply period.
Yeah it does, as soon as you are providing a service, if you have a user from the EU that’s not you, it applies. And while GDPR fines are defined in a revenue percentage, there is a minimum of “up to 10 million EUR” for a violation.
No it does not, if you do not sell anything to anyone or offer any services or make any money it doesn’t apply. Stop repeating bullshit.
Nobody is getting sued. EU data protection agencies don’t “sue” people and companies. They fine them. The difference is that a lawsuit is a process where at the end you might need to pay money, but you mostly settle. A GDPR fine looks like you get a letter saying you need to pay an amount, if you want to appeal, you can do so after paying.
Good luck fining a host admin, of a foss instance. I don’t know why you think that any admins of instances will be getting fined if they’re not selling anything. You need to read up on the GDPR.
And it’s not the devs that will be getting these fines, it’s instance admins.
Again, no they will not.
This is not true at all, you can host a instance in the USA for free and not be subjective to the GDPR. You’re not selling anything, or marketing anything or doing any data collection to be sold. It %100 does not apply.
Nothing here is breaking any laws. I don’t know why OP thinks the GDPR applies here, it doesn’t.
You can’t and this is a shit article…the GDPR doesn’t apply to instance outside of the EU…
The GDPR even applies if no financial transaction occurs if the US company sells or markets products via the Internet to EU residents and accepts the currency of an EU country, has a domain suffix for an EU country, offers shipping services to an EU country, provides translation in the language of an EU country, markets in the language of an EU country, etc.
Literally people using the GDPR like it’s some gotcha thing for admins. If nothing is sold or offered to be sold and their is no financial gain it’s not going to apply. On top of that good luck suing a FOSS dev.
Edit: that downvote button does jack shit on Lemmy people. If you think I’m wrong why not prove that I’m wrong…and why a bunch of law firms are wrong as well.
Yep, Lemmy right now reminds me of the very early reddit days, I’m sure in 15 years it’ll be completely different but for now it’s been great.