• That doesn’t make it produced by Xorg and licensed by Xorg to be X12. The network transparency being ignored is an issue. Vnc is not a 1 to 1 replacement for being able to remotely display individual apps and windows. As I said, there is no X12 and this backs me up on that. Gaming is not a use case for businesses, except gaming studios, any focus on gaming before it is a full replacement for X11 is a waste. Gaming should be a tacked on as an afterthought. This is a POSIX like system, for work. Dropping network transparency in favor of games being first will slow corporate adoption.

      • superkret
        12 years ago

        Almost no one uses Linux client PCs for work, except for developers.

      • @andruid@lemmy.ml
        11 year ago

        To be honest I’ve been disappointed by x11 over the network. It was very cool when I first learned of it, but just hasn’t kept up with the heavier GUIs IMHO. There is waypipe if you want the same features x11 networking did. I am personally excited to see where remote application viewing can really go as we move off of X. An example of what some are working on with KDE plasma 6 Wayland for remote desktop/app: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aPx5tEruG_k

        • I’ve addressed the existence of waypipe before. It’s an add-on, an afterthought… not a native part of wayland. Does it work? Seems to. Is it addressing a shortcoming in wayland? Yes. Does that mean the shortcoming is gone in wayland? No.

          • @andruid@lemmy.ml
            11 year ago

            I don’t understand the issue still. What feature are you missing or what issues do you face under this model?

            • You plan on fixing them all yourself? I’ve explained this in other threads enough, it’s not getting fixed, so unless you’re the magic dev that can turn wayland into a real X12, I’m not going through wasting my time again. Long story short, it’s not a proper replacement for X11.

              • @andruid@lemmy.ml
                11 year ago

                It’s just I’ve seen your sentiment before from others but have never read anything substantive on just general grumbling where the networking for graphics moved on the stack