One of them is the Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan ED. Evan Call’s composition there is magical.

  • hitagi
    22 years ago

    I hope anime discussions (in general) become more popular in Lemmy. It’s hard to start topics as someone who mostly watches old stuff but it’s nice to know there are people interested in these around here!

      2 years ago

      I’ve been tempted to post an Old Anime Discussion thread. I don’t keep up with what’s new, because I like to watch an entire series at once before starting another one, so I mainly stick to older shows. I super don’t watch new episodes weekly unlike most anime fans.

      I miss the other website, where I could read through years of discussions about shows like Shinsekai Yori and Mushishi. The more time passes, the more I feel like breaking the strike and posting there again.