I was excited to see that Netflix’s Castlevania: Nocturne was reviewing extremely well, a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, living up to the high scores of the previous show, one of the best game adaptations of all time.
While many people actually just say the quiet part out loud, it’s too “woke,” others code it with the “bad writing, bad characters” claim. The writing of course being the “woke” parts, mainly, the characters being those of color, usually.
This paranoid lunatic really believes that criticism of a show’s writing and characters is some kind of dogwhistle. The first series of Castlevania was decent, but very silly; it was a 6/10 at the absolute highest. Or, if I was a character from Castlevania, I would say “the first FUCKING series of Castlevania was DAMN decent, but very FUCKING silly and SHIT; it was a DAMN 6 out of BITCH 10 at the absolute FUCKING highest”. It’s not a particularly amazing series and this one is worse, as continuations are wont to be.
Considering this is a Forbes article, my assumption is that this is a bought-and-paid-for PR statement. Why would you post anything from this corporate rag in the first place, OP?
And it doesn’t raise red flags that someone was pissy enough over bad reviews to go and publish an entire article to cry that everyone leaving bad reviews is just racist?
Your reaction was so angry and so strong. It raises red flags man lol
Oh, give me a break. This is obviously a reach on your part, because if your personality was so blandly milquetoast that you actually think this, you wouldn’t be the kind of person who uses histrionics like you just did. I don’t know what your angle is but at least be internally consistent.
I never finished the first show but I thought it was cool. At least a 7 for me. This Forbes review is specifically citing the reviews that complained about “modern day talking points” so I don’t doubt they’re at least partially correct. The show is probably mediocre to begin with but there’s also righties getting worked up over it. I guess I’ll have to watch it and see if it’s any good.
you just threw out a strawman, got told to stay on topic, then accused the other person of strawmanning your argument because they stayed on topic rather than responding to your strawman
Low quality? No, not in the least. It was adequate setup for a 3-4 season show. The emotional arcs would have been fantastic if they had been given any amount of time to breathe or if there had been more visible development between certain characters, but that’s not what the complaints are about, are they? What, my good chud, are they complaining about in their reviews? Do feel free to pull your mask off, you’re among friends.
Anyway, try reading the link before you try and use it to back you up.
It doesn’t work, everything feels forced and the characters are just stupid
Looks like the writers are riding the series’ success to write their own fanfiction now.
and I agree that there are cringe-like dialogues in places and probably too much time was given to characters who did not deserve it, while the main villain was given almost no time and no development
I don’t understand how many more shows have to be given to incompetent writers until studios decide they had enough. This is not Castlevania, this is disrespect.
This is a watchable series. But this is merely a shadow of the original Castlevania series. Writing is not that good and most of the villains are one dimensional and hard to connect with. Heroes are sometimes appear as more than one dimensional characters and sometimes not. Hard to connect with the heroes for the most of the time. Story is not adult oriented other than blood, gore and sex scenes. Generally average or below average series that is unable to follow the standards of the original.
Strayed too far from the source material it might have well just called it something else. It’s literally someone else fanfiction riding off the Castlevania name
Nothing related to the games and full of bad writing. Makes 90s mario bros film feels like a accurate adaptation.
The main characters just aren’t that interesting or fun to watch. The writing and pacing is all over the place.
What an absolutely unhinged comment. And to reply to your reviews, there’s nothing of substance said in half of them. I read them, evidently you haven’t. Feel free to keep the mask on, I guess?
This paranoid lunatic really believes that criticism of a show’s writing and characters is some kind of dogwhistle. The first series of Castlevania was decent, but very silly; it was a 6/10 at the absolute highest. Or, if I was a character from Castlevania, I would say “the first FUCKING series of Castlevania was DAMN decent, but very FUCKING silly and SHIT; it was a DAMN 6 out of BITCH 10 at the absolute FUCKING highest”. It’s not a particularly amazing series and this one is worse, as continuations are wont to be.
Considering this is a Forbes article, my assumption is that this is a bought-and-paid-for PR statement. Why would you post anything from this corporate rag in the first place, OP?
And it doesn’t raise red flags that someone was pissy enough over bad reviews to go and publish an entire article to cry that everyone leaving bad reviews is just racist?
Oh, give me a break. This is obviously a reach on your part, because if your personality was so blandly milquetoast that you actually think this, you wouldn’t be the kind of person who uses histrionics like you just did. I don’t know what your angle is but at least be internally consistent.
deleted by creator
Gotcha attempt: failed
Tears: wept
Pearls: clutched
A real triple threat. Performative outrage suits you well.
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I never finished the first show but I thought it was cool. At least a 7 for me. This Forbes review is specifically citing the reviews that complained about “modern day talking points” so I don’t doubt they’re at least partially correct. The show is probably mediocre to begin with but there’s also righties getting worked up over it. I guess I’ll have to watch it and see if it’s any good.
What’s wrong with complaining that a show puts talking points (or however you’d like to refer to the concept) over quality?
deleted by creator
Why is it idiotic to not like media that prioritizes pushing a message over being entertaining?
having black people in a tv show isn’t “prioritizing pushing a message”, you absolute loon
Nobody said that you fucking dunce
what message is the show pushing
deleted by creator
Just because you want to change the topic of discussion to a strawman it doesn’t mean it’s what we are discussing.
Besides, you’re the only one kidding around here, making up bogus accusations to discredit criticism
you just threw out a strawman, got told to stay on topic, then accused the other person of strawmanning your argument because they stayed on topic rather than responding to your strawman
Lmao I was the one staying on topic dumbass. Read the conversation if you’re too stupid to understand it
Name some media that pushes zero messaging of any type. Bet you can’t.
Do elaborate on the deep messaging of f-zero
Opulence and excess lead to brutality.
One hell of a reach there. Anything to actually show it’s an intentional message and not just reading between lines that don’t exist on your part?
i can keep going
Again I haven’t seen the show yet but usually when people say that it just means there was a black/queer character and it made them angy
Without spoilers, there’s melanin, gayness, and even character flaws. You were spot on.
And also low quality writing and minimal satisfying entertainment.
Low quality? No, not in the least. It was adequate setup for a 3-4 season show. The emotional arcs would have been fantastic if they had been given any amount of time to breathe or if there had been more visible development between certain characters, but that’s not what the complaints are about, are they? What, my good chud, are they complaining about in their reviews? Do feel free to pull your mask off, you’re among friends.
Anyway, try reading the link before you try and use it to back you up.
Sorry, I didn’t realize you were the grand arbiter of quality, selected by the universe to be the one true source of objective judgement on the topic.
What an absolutely unhinged comment. And to reply to your reviews, there’s nothing of substance said in half of them. I read them, evidently you haven’t. Feel free to keep the mask on, I guess?
Lmao it seem you’re usually wrong
So, in short, you didn’t bother to look at the user reviews in question that are full of right wing morons complaining about wokeness?
My assumption is that you are also a moron.
deleted by creator
Dog shit reading comprehension. I hope English isn’t your first language.