Hi, I am currently working on project that I’m calling Installies. It is a tool for Linux that makes it easy to find and use bash scripts to install, remove, update, or compile apps. You can add specific scripts for different distros or architectures.

I have been working on this for the past couple of months, and it is nearly ready to be released. Lately I realized that I haven’t asked any other Linux users if they would find it useful, so if you could tell me if you might find it useful, or any advice/feedback, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • Seperis
    12 years ago

    I want to see it.

    I really honestly wish more Linux users would throw open their personal libraries of scripts that made their lives easier. Yes, probably 99% of them are super idiosyncratic to do This One Thing the user needed done or are the same ten or fifteen everyone has discovered for themselves but I bet most of them have a piece of code in them that’s does this thing I didn’t know I could automate or could be a template for this other thing I want to do and didn’t even know where to start or I just want to look at and go ‘wow, you really went all out with that, this is art I want to frame this, holy shit’ even though all it does is like move a file.