So been moving around a lot with browsers, waterfox, librewolf and very recently degoogle chromium, figured id look at Firefox and holy theres less than half the option in setting then there were afew years back but I gotta say the biggest sin is that adding custom search engine is obfuscated, and the chooses of engines are google, bing, duckduckgo and fucking Amazon! Wtf is that about? But anyway all these search engines are pretty awful including duckduckgo but beyond that the browser scene is a joke, mullvad are about the only company I feel compatible with using now

Edit: instead of saying how easy it is to add custom search engines, I’d like to know why the “add search engine” feature in settings is gone?

    11 year ago

    TL;DR: Don’t lay this one on me, buddy. You walked in here looking for a fight.

    I didn’t much care for the direction you started in. If you wanted an actual discussion, then opening with hostility and claims that could be refuted if you’d bothered with less than a minute of research is the wrong way to go.

    If you want a civilized discussion, you have to start with a civilized post. My responses have been no more hostile than your opening salvo.

    As it happens, Google’s influence over Mozilla is of massive concern to me. And I agree that the change was not needed. But it’s not obscure, it’s not hard to find out how to do what you wanted to do, and your hostility to responses suggesting DuckDuckGo only confirmed my suspicion that you didn’t want an answer, you wanted a fight.

    So I gave you one.

    Here’s the deal. If you walk into a place with guns blazing, you don’t get to act all surprised and indignant when someone fires back.

        11 year ago

        Yes. It is. And so was doing a big complainy rant without doing any research.

        Again: if you want polite discourse, you have to open with that, not rant and get mad about it later. You set the standard, I just went along with it.

        • squidOP
          1 year ago

          I don’t believe you’d read the body of my post. As I’d never said default search engine couldn’t be changed

          So point is that while your saying I didnt do research what gave you that impression. My dispute is with obfuscation

            1 year ago

            It’s not obfuscated if it takes less than a minute to find the answer, dude.

            I liked it better the old way, but the feature isn’t hidden.

            ETA: My point is you don’t get to complain when people reflect back the energy you put out.

            • squidOP
              1 year ago

              The dictionary definition of obfuscation means to purposely obscure , make harder, and there is no mention of a time frame. So with the add by URL gone from settings and a limited amount of defaults search engine thats are all shit and no clear reasoning for the removal of that setting then how does that not fit the definition of obfuscation.

              ETA: My point is you don’t get to complain when people reflect back the energy you put out.

              I definitly can complain as can you and anyone else. I am admittedly stoborn (not for stobornness sake or pride) but I have not resorted to name calling

                11 year ago

                You know, I had a big long thing about my local grocery store obfuscating the peanut butter, but I deleted it. I think I’m just gonna let this one go.

                Look, dude, I think we probably caught each other at a bad time or something. I’m not generally this confrontational, and I kinda doubt you are either. I’m sorry I dragged it out so far, and I’m sorry I responded the way I did to your expression of frustration.

                I’ll try to be better. Have a great day, yeah?

                • squidOP
                  21 year ago

                  Not a problem till next time, and you too buddy have great day