Do you use any web ui’s for your Linux server? I’m comfortable managing my server using the command line, but I also want a graphical interface that shows an overview of what is running on the server, the way the resources are being used what containers are running and so on. Also file download uploads would be great to have.

What do you recommend which is light and resources and is suitable for less powerful servers with low ram?

So far these are the more interstating tools I’ve found: (they vary in functionality their provide)

CasaOS Cockpit SartOS Orb Kasm

    1 year ago

    I tried to install Cockpit on Debian, and it just downloaded an entire Linux Desktop? Really weird, had the configs and open port all but still the UI was not showing.

    Might give it another try but would prefer something less resource heavy

      31 year ago

      “Hey you wanted NetworkManager, right? We’ve decided everyone wants NetworkManager.”

      Last time I didn’t use --no-install-recommends

          21 year ago

          It makes sense in a lot of cases, just not all of them.
          Huh, it’s got to be the maintainers who make that list, right? Not the developers?
          Either way, that must be an awkward philosophical snarl. “Oh I see we’re running Gnome again.”