Hey! So, TL;DR, we’ve been putting in a lot of work to make a podcast for the Fediverse, to go along with our news articles. There’s just so much cool stuff happening, and we feel that a podcast format can capture aspects of this that regular articles can’t.

The podcast in question features what’s going on in the network, what cool things are getting built, and what headaches or problems the people on the network are dealing with. There’s a really big emphasis on people building the apps and platforms for this network, along with their personal stories and visions for the network.

Unfortunately, we just aren’t sure what to name it. We have a few good ideas, but we’d like to turn it over to the community to either vote on one of the names, or recommend something better, if anybody can think of one.

We have a super short survey here: https://cloud.wedistribute.org/apps/forms/s/cPsT7WNs8gXkMziKX695DmEi

  • Dr. Quadragon ❌
    1 year ago

    @CyberTailor @deadsuperhero Yep. That’s where we basically (the RuFedi) gather regularly every two weeks to express ourselves via the mic and video. We tell stories, discuss news, show our work, and announce projects.

    The point of the show, it MUST be done as a live stream (no post-production unless absolutely necessary), regularly, with AT LEAST TWO people (no matter who) leading the show. The episode MUST happen, come Hell or high water.

    The stake? The show itself.

    If there’s only one person, or everybody skips the episode entirely, then the episode didn’t happen, and the show is over.

    We’ve been doing this for 2,5 years already, thanks to @th3rdsergeevich and other folks. It’s been great.