Is there a FOSS program where I can inventory my high value items in case there is an insurance claim?

I was thinking of the item, the picture of the item and serial number, maybe the UPC, and then an attachment of the receipt.

I’m guessing some kind of database that integrates file attachments per item.

  • Nimmo
    11 year ago

    That sounds like a rather unpleasant experience indeed! I’ve never looked into it in more detail than scrolling through the lsio containers they offer, so thanks for that insight and saving me a headache in case I get around to a similar project I’ve also been meaning to embark upon

      11 year ago

      I mean, I’m still using it, slowly filling the db… But yeah the first go (or 5) was super frustrating, and the UI could be more intuitive, almost wizard-like for beginners would make a huge difference. But if you want to note the warnings and proceed, it seems like a feature-rich system. Definitely aimed at the actual IT career individuals (and their businesses).

      That is the container I’m using, also.