The waverider, the other water themed frame, beaten by a random Grineer henchman in her own lore entry - Yareli!

Release date: 2021-07-06

Passive: Everflowing with the seas, whenever Yareli moves for at least 1.5 seconds, she gains the Critical Flow buff that increases Critical Chance on her secondary Weapon by 200%.
Sea Snares - Form three water globules that seek out enemies and expand on contact, simultaneously damaging and immobilizing their victims.
Merulina - Summon Merulina, a rideable creature of the waves, and the inspiration for K-Driving. Merulina protects Yareli by absorbing a large portion of incoming damage.
Aquablades - Tear through foes with a trio of orbiting aquatic blades.
Riptide - Drag enemies into a crushing maelstrom and then blow them away in a watery burst. Each enemy trapped in the vortex increases the burst’s Damage.

Acquisition: Main blueprint is acquired by completing The Waverider quest. Component blueprints are acquired through Research inside the Ventkids’ Bash Lab within the Clan Dojo.

  • 0x0A
    37 months ago

    Invincible build. Not mine - found it on YT or Overframe.

    Armed with a Kuva Nukor running Cascadia Flare. Great weapon as-is, but add in the Furax w/ Amalgam Furax Body Count to boost your fire rate. It’s a “stat stick” of sorts.

    Merulina Guardian also boosts fire rate for your secondary. With such high fire rate the Nukor turns into a rapid-fire microwave capable of doing enough damage to nuke just about anything on the regular star chart and all of SP. The build is great is for solo Netracells, too. You do need to practice just tapping the fire button and not holding it, as ammo becomes a real concern (I use Carrier to mitigate this, but I still run out.)

    What trips me up are the persistent Yareli-specific bugs that randomly lock out weapons and entering/exiting spoiler mode. It seems like every major update has fixes for her (they just fixed her not getting affinity while using Merulina) but there’s still more. I’m hoping they can wrap it all up by the time her Prime releases.