I’ve fought the tank/spider a few times now and every time it’s been a slog. It has some of the more annoying abilities grabbed from other bosses, ex the Eidolon’s stomp, and seems to have the most staggering attacks out of all bosses, or at least uses them very frequently.

With most other bosses, even the more annoying ones like Kela or Profit Taker, I’m mostly thinking about how to play better using normal means to beat the boss… with H-09 I am just thinking to myself: ‘OK, how do I cheese this?’ for most of the second phase.

  • @sandriver@dormi.zone
    23 months ago

    one thing I’m curious about, how does the boss AI respond to stealth? can you sling out of the arena and use Quiver to break its AI? or Trickery spam on the superboss variant with all the adds?

    • Dystopia
      3 months ago

      I was using shade for invis and it was working for the hard mode boss. There are some times when there’s just a lot of aoes going around that they’re kind of unavoidable.

      Probably a problem with my loadouts, my weapons didn’t do a lot of container damage to deal with the balloons in phase one, so it was better for me to rush down the boss’ health than it was to deal with the balloons.

      In phase 2, I think you only need to worry about getting rid of the tentacle pillars, so it isn’t as bad if you’re destroying them when they spawn.

      As for something like Arcane Trickery, I think you might struggle with getting finisher kills in hard mode, the enemies were mostly Eximus/Dedicands. Dizzying rounds should open both to a finisher, but you also have a lot of corrosive pools around the map to deal with. Phase 2 is easier, but has periods where no enemies spawn in.