Frieren is probably the best use of music in the anime i have seen. The goddam genius way it hypes the situation is amazing, especialy when you contrast this with a very calm tone this anime usualy has. Also the fact that actual amount of important fights is fairly limited makes it that much better. The fact that pretty much every character that shows up for more than a few minutes is designed like a main character in its own story is something i wish more anime/manga/lightnovels would do. Its frankly speaking kinda amazing that you could reasonably make a completley new anime out of nearly every character that was in more than episode and it probably wouldnt even feel like side story ( like most others do ). Frankly speaking its just an artistic marvel.

    1 month ago

    You’re absolutly right. And it did win like, all the awards. Even the polls here. It’s a masterpiece of a show.

    I especially love it because it was the first proper anime I watched (apart from watching like dragonball/naruto/sailormoon on TV as a kid, but i pretty much just chaught episodes of these when they were on an never completed a show).

    The downside was that it set the standards really high. I’ve watched a lot of decent and even really good animes since then, but nothing quite comes close to Frieren overall. I can’t wait for S2, also I already spoiled it by reading ahead in the manga (also first and only time I’ve ever read a manga).