As Twitter ditches its iconic branding in favor of owner Elon Musk’s favorite letter “X,” its open source competitor Mastodon is once again seeing usage numbers soar.

    2 years ago

    The app is still called twitter with the bird logo, at least on iOS.

    Also what it’s called is irrelevant. It’s still twitter, it’ll still behave the same, it’s still got the 500 million users. Why would anyone leave a platform simply because it changed names and url?

    • macniel
      2 years ago

      What it’s called isn’t irrelevant. Twitter blue, tweeting, Twitter and tweets are all linked to Twitter and not to X. And X is what it’s called now. So post on X and follow me on X.

      Just because the App on iOS and or android haven’t been updated to reflect that change doesn’t mean it hasn’t been rebranded yet.

      How it will affect the users? Well that’s to be seen. The first waves of Userscripts surely will follow soon to replace X with the bird in browsers.

      Edit: just checked the twitter App on the android play store may still be named by such but is now owned by X Corp. The most generic name ever.

    • all-knight-party
      32 years ago

      Usually a rebrand signifies a change in the direction or focus of the brand. I don’t keep up with it much, so on a surface level this rebrand seems like more of a “I like it better this way” on Elon’s part than a true rebrand with a point and reason.