My current setup is that I have a home server running a number of services that are only accessible to myself on my local network (Jellyfin, Home Assistant, etc.) and a DigitalOcean droplet I rent that runs a number of public facing items (personal websites). I’ve been looking into running my own Matrix server for myself and some friends, but while it will be public facing, I would prefer to run it on my own hardware for cost and storage reasons.

I have gotten it up and running the “old fashioned way”, by pointing my domain at my home network, setting up port forwarding and a reverse proxy. Is this the recommended solution? I have heard vague references made to somehow using a VPS service to forward specific traffic to a home server via WireGuard. I’m not sure how this is done, or really what the benefits are, so I was curious if anyone had any advice.

    2 years ago

    Agreed, though recommend nginx as proxy, have it do ssl, can set it up with letsencrypt, but mostly you can run multiple services off multiple internal hosts as subdirectories (assuming they cooperate).

    Works great for me.