My Predator Helios from 2018 is working just fine with win10, but I really want to move over to linux.

Probably I will start to have problems but I would like to hear yours opinions.

This Laptop is mostly for gaming.

  • CauêOP
    22 years ago

    I am sorry for your trouble. Yeah linux sometimes is very tricky. I am still learning my way through, it is way harder than people advertise, but the results are very cool (while they are working).

      • CauêOP
        22 years ago

        Valeu irmão! To com linux em 2 notebooks aqui, uma pra trampo e outro pra game. Pra game ta dando trabalho, minha placa é nvidia 1060. até o youtube no firefox engasga.

        Mas tirando isso tudo é muito dahora.