Hey all! I recently installed CachyOS which comes with linux-cachyos-bore as the default kernel, and I have to say that it does feel a lot snappier to just use and click around, even though I have almost the exact same Plasma setup as my previous Arch install. So now I’m wondering how many great patches and forks I’m missing out on :D

What’s your experience with using kernels other than linux, linux-lts, and linux-zen? Now that I’m free of Nvidia bullshit I’m more inclined to test out different things, does anyone have some resources like comparisons of the various alternatives out there?

  • MentalEdge
    191 year ago

    A snappier DE likely has more to do with better default process priorities, than improved kernel scheduling.

    The one place were kernel tweaks might mean anything, is when your running stuff where shit has to line up to the nanosecond.