I have read many conflicting things, like always. Just wondering if there’s a safe way to use several DE’s on one distro without messing up my damn computer lol I’ve tried it several times and it always messed things up. I’m currently brand new to fedora workstation 38 too btw. Thanks alot

  • @Redo11@szmer.info
    92 years ago

    Other than some autostart apps, you are free to do whatever you want. I actually like having at least 2 DEs, one generic with default settings and one customized for everyday use. Also, they should use different backends. Then if I completely mess up with my config, I’ve got a fallback.

    • @everett@lemmy.ml
      22 years ago

      Autostarts are the one thing I’d point to too. It’s nothing harmful but can be a little annoying if you need different scripts or tools to run on your different DEs.

    • @flashgnash@lemm.ee
      12 years ago

      If you haven’t already give NixOS a go, used to have a dual boot as a fall back but using nix I’ve got the courage to screw around to my heart’s content cause I can always just load an earlier version of my config and/or wipe the machine and be back up to speed in 20 minutes if need be

        • @flashgnash@lemm.ee
          12 years ago

          If you start with the default config and just modify it from there you can figure it out as you go

          Installing software is usually just a case of adding the name to the package list in your config (you can find packages and options on search.nixos.org/packages

      • Reminder9754
        02 years ago

        @flashgnash @Redo11 I use Debian and Arch and could also wipe out my machine and be back in 20 mins or less. Nix is great but this is not Nix specific. As long as you have a backup of your files and config, recovery is quick on basically any distro.

        • @flashgnash@lemm.ee
          12 years ago

          Nix makes that process a whole lot simpler and more robust imo

          If you do it via the config file, you can simply revert one line of code and rebuild and you’re back, if you use backups unless you backup before every single change you make it’s much more heavy handed what you revert