I have many services running under subdomains but my host domain still returns a 404 and im not sure what to put there.
418 I'm a teapot
when the internet was fun :/
Best html status code
http* status code*?
You’re right I edited it now, thankfully I’m not a web dev, that would’ve been embarrassing
No worries
Internally, Organizr. Externally, a picture of my cat being cute when he was a kitten.
Take this award 🏆 and give it to your cat
I redirect to “Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up” on Youtube.
God darn Satan, youre evil
I redirect to IIS.net just to be annoying.
I’ve got a base64 encoded URL to that video in one of my DNS records somewhere. I think it’s called “secret” and it’s a TXT record.
OMG same! xD
A horrible wannabe commandline, gaze ye eyes upon the horror https://drkt.eu
That’s cool!
I want that! What is it?
Merely janky javascript :p https://drkt.eu/script.js
That’s cool!
I’m embarrassed to say the default page. Many moons ago I used to host a wordpress blog there but I’m exceptionally lazy and rarely ever posted. The upkeep on Wordpress just wasn’t worth the hassle.
Every so often I think about starting a basic tech blog for those, “hey here’s how I fixed this weird edge case”, posts that have saved my butt 1000x over.
Same here. It just says “nginx has been successfully installed” or something like that. It serves the appropriate directories or redirects to the respective virtual machines for other (sub) domains.
I just have a static page that I randomly change - you can see mine here. In this case I was testing the idea of having text within an SVG for better scaling from mobile to desktop, and also I’m loving orange and purple at the moment for some reason! Oh, and I was testing automated deployments from CI/CD, so I always use my own base domain with those first tests!
I’m using very advanced technology and my base domain is actually served directly on the client side. It’s the very extreme version of edge computing.
When you visit it, you get some version of the “site not found” page. I just didn’t bother to set any A or AAAA record for the base.
A dashboard of available services just seems like the correct choice to me, so I use Heimdall
Impressum. Thanks TMG! 🙄
A index.html file that says “There’s nothing here”. Not even a special http status. I have subdomains with freshrss, dokuwiki, XBackBone, and whatever I’m tinkering with, but I can’t be bothered to maintain anything public. I guess I have personal websites I haven’t touched since 2012?
Kinda surprised how few mentions this has. I use it for my personal website which I made using Hugo. That’s what I used it for even before I was hosting any services.
Always wanted a “personal” website but felt I wasn’t creative enough to create anything useful enough… Maybe a wiki was the best I could come up with
Care to share what you use the website for exactly?
I’ve read many times that If in doubt turn it into a blog and write down whatever you have learned that day. I have an entry that is simply a how to list all local variables in python.
It’s basically just an extended resume. A place with links to my Github, LinkedIn, and projects I’ve done.
I’m not creative at all either, very bad at front end stuff. I used a Hugo theme for most of the website.
403 Forbidden
I set my 403 to just return “I don’t know you.”
It’s a redirect to my www Subdomain, which currently runs a Wordpress, but I’m developing my custom website to put there. So, it runs my personal website.
Hey, this isn’t where I parked my car.
My personal blog that is a bit abandoned right now