I have already tried out Linux Mint. But I want to try out other distros.
PC specs:
Intel Core i5-10400
16 GB of RAM DDR4
Intel UHD 630
Hannah Montana Linux
No way that actually exists lol
It exists for the clueless. Elite users use RebeccaBlackOS
I use nyarch btw
EndeavourOS FTW
It’s so good
Been using it since the start of the pandemic. It’s exactly what I want.
Once I get tired of Gentoo, I’m going to try NixOS again.
I’m using Fedora and I’m really happy with it. Pretty solid distro,
I don’t like what RedHat is actually doing, but yes Fedora is the successor.
I’m not happy with RedHat neither. And Fedora 40 considering to add telemetry doesn’t help. I love Fedora tho, but if RHEL keeps heading the way is going I’ll hop to another distro.
Maybe is time to try Arch and embrace the meme (and learn, I’m a lil scared)
I’m partial to Pop!_OS and their desktop environment.
Pop!_OS is excellent. I came from Mac and Ubuntu and I have had an excellent experience. It can be as out-of-the-box or as customizable as you want. The support is superb. Everything works. Zero downside.
I haven’t really used Pop!_OS! yet, but I am getting a System76 laptop so I’ll definitely check it out. I hope they get their Cosmic desktop out soon so they can differentiate their distro more instead of being another fork with a few customizations and default apps.
I really like the tiling but I’m getting a bit tired of GNOME.
if you are brave I suggest you endeavour os with i3wm.
Or sway :)
havent tried it yet. As Im relying on nvidia drivers Im still worshipping X11.
but from what I have heard sway is simply the wayland clone of i3wm?
I’d like to try Wayland + Sway. Do you have any recommendations for a starting config?
I’d found the Manjaro Sway edition to have a really good starting point, I am currently trying to replicate it myself in EndeavourOS (though the endeavour community edition with Sway is pretty nice too)
Thanks for the pointers, those will be a good reference. Now I just need to get started with a beginner how to!
Holy shit! *literally
Try arch and you’ll never distro hop again
I can’t confirm that (I distro hopped to NixOS) I can confirm that Arch is a solid distro worth learning and will give you the skills to manage it long-term. Compared to Arch based distros like Manjaro, EndeavorOS and Garuda where people tend to screw up their install easily when installing the wrong packages from the AUR and updating with dependency conflicts.
I tried manjaro, it was a total mess after a few days of setting it up. Decided to just nuke it and go with arch and I’ve never looked back. Been 5 years now :)
I can confirm that.
Tried to reconfigure some systemd services, switched to Artix (runit flavored btw)
to reconfigure some systemd services, switched to Artix (runit flavored btw)
Artix is definitely better than Arch. (using dinit flavor btw)
Your PC can run any distro smoothly. What are you looking for that Mint doesn’t provide?
Personally, I’m looking for reproducible environments where if you create a lock file of your packages, you will get the exact same system on another machine if you copy it over
Maybe you would like an immutable distro such as Fedora Silverblue?
I’m already using NixOS, which is even more powerful since it can configure my software as well as my system
NixOS can do that.
That’s why I’m on it :^)
Guix Guix Guix Guix
Ah ha!
It uses low-level mechanisms from the Nix package manager, but packages are defined as native Guile module
Lol I am actually glad there aren’t two completely separate implementations… Now to install the hurd kernel…
It’s great and I’m using it, but I don’t think someone coming from Linux Mint should use it right away. It can get quite complex even coming from Arch or Artix Linux.
It mostly depends on your tastes, competences, and goals, rather than on your computer’s specs.
Debian stable but be careful though, you might never leave after using it for a while :)
There are some really mixed answers here. I would stick to the mainline distros and not go for a fork with a few customizations. It does depend on what you want, especially if you are willing to learn using the terminal and if you want bleeding edge or more stability. My list would be:
- Debian
- Kubuntu
- Fedora
- Pop!_OS
- Arch Linux (If you want to learn Linux from its fundamentals)
Right now I would go with Debian. Newish release. Everything is up to date, and they are quite stable.