Using Boost for Lemmy, I got an obvious political ad from the right asking to sign a petition to scrap the gun “ban” in Canada (it’s a registry not a ban).
Now I understand this is an ad but I don’t appreciate having propaganda from the right injected into my browsing on lemmy. Have better ads, or let us report them.
Press the icon on the top right and select report ad or block ad
If we’re talking about the little white block with a play icon on the top right, it does nothing.
EDIT: Well, I tried a few more times and you have to be very precise, the area where you can tap is very small, buy I ended up being able to report it. Thanks.
Yes, that icon. It is a bit difficult to press, due to the small size. I don’t think I can make it bigger since it is rendered by Google that way.
How are you okay with ads being injected at all?
OP is using an app to browse the fediverse. Apps are not free to develop and the devs need to eat. I use sync and I’m paying for ultra so I can both support the dev and not have to see ads even though I do block ads system wide
So if it is my livelihood, I should be able to manipulate people?
I was feeling inhibited to do so but it makes more sense coming from that perspective.
So if it is my livelihood, I should be able to manipulate people?
Where above has this been mentioned?
In the serving ads as a form of getting to be paid part?
Ok. If that’s so, from the same sentence I can conclude that OP stated that working is a form of manipulation and nobody should work, ever. But, NO. No need to put words into one’s mouth unless it’s specifically written as such.
What? I have been talking about ads all along. If you reacted to me, you reacted to me asking about ads.
I tolerated them when using Boost but it may soon be a thing of the past.
Try Voyager.
I switched to Voyager and it’s amazing. Plus there are no ads which is sweet.
And it’s ✨ open source ✨
I did some digging on these also show its an American group paying for it. I’ve reported the group to google a few times for other complete lies.
there’s some instructions in there on how to remove all information that adsense has on you and your browsing history. After doing that i was flooded with ads for dating sites that had porn videos playing over them at a light transparency. Others have been less subtle. Reporting it at best well make it so you stop seeing the ad after a few months but everyone else still does.
I’ll just pop back over to an open source solution.
Sadly the developer doesn’t control what ads are shown, that’s entirely up to Google Ad Services and what it thinks you’re susceptible to.
Just pay for Boost. I’m sure you spend more on coffee.
It’s not the point. The point is that those 'ads" are spreading misinformation.
You see the same ones on youtube. Most of them point at Chinese propaganda (epoch times)
The ones I get on YouTube and constantly report are the ones saying the irs or government owes you thousands of dollars and they use like stock footage of celebrities with crappy ai voiceovers to trick people into falling for it.
that just comes with the territory at the moment, which is why i either pay for ad removal (one-time payments only), use open source alternatives and use an adblocker.
That’s great for you and all, some of us would like to protect others from the harm this shit causes.
an admirable cause, and i won’t stop you. a report button would be great.
but i just avoid them, i stopped trying.
There are much better apps for Lemmy without trackers and tons of permissions.
There are plenty of guns outright banned in Canada. Pretty disingenuous to claim its just a registry.
The picture is showing someone with a hunting rifle, which is not banned. Assault weapons and handguns are indeed forbidden, but guns are not blanket banned in Canada. You can still buy and shoot a hunting rifle, which this ad suggests is banned while in fact, it is not. There is a registry for those, but not a ban.
And anyway I wanted to know how to report the ad, not your opinion on the ad itself. It’s the community for Boost and I had a question on Boost, not political discussions.
Lmao you’re really upset that you don’t just have an unbroken stream of the leftist slop you usually see?
Ah, if you’re against guns you’re now a leftist.
Well considering that it just so happens to be the left that’s looking for gun control in this situation, and op is crying like a bitch that he saw a right wing ad, yes.
No it’s anyone with remotely a brain that’s looking for gun control. Being able to rub two brain cells together isn’t a matter of a political spectrum, even though sometimes the matters can overlap.
Reading the way this person speaks to everyone, they clearly are a stable, thoughtful person who should have guns.
Lmao funny how you just jump to insults because your worthless position is indefensible.
Of course. Like I said before, don’t let something like facts or statistics about gun control vs gun bonanza countries crime stand in the way of your narrative. That’ll just destroy the mainstream media narrative you’re clinging to.
Lmao probably don’t talk about facts because they don’t support whatever crap you want
op is crying like a little bitch
funny how you just jump to insults because your worthless position is indefensible.
Pot, meet kettle.