This one seemed perfect but nothing lasts after the reboot for whatever reason. If i manually re-enable the service its all good so I suspect theres no issue with the below - I added the after=multi-user.target after the first time it didn’t hold after reboot.
Description=Runs alsactl restore to fix microphone loop into headphones
ExecStart=alsactl restore
When I run a status check it shows it deactivates as soon as it runs
Apr 11 20:32:24 XXXXX systemd[1]: Started Runs alsactl restore to fix microphone loop into headphones.
Apr 11 20:32:24 XXXXX systemd[1]: alsactl-restore.service: Deactivated successfully.
It seems to have no effect either way. Originally I attempted without, then when it didn’t hold after a reboot and some further reading I added the After= line in attempt to ensure the service isn’t trying to initiate before it should be possible.
I can manually enable the service with or without the After= line with the same results of it actually working. Just doesn’t hold after a reboot.