Are anime themes made for the animes? I always thought they were because like the old ranma and such like the lyrics had ranmas name come up. Recently though I have been watching hokkaido gals are super adorable and I swear it uses the same theme song as Tenjho Tenge.
This would seem to fit. I just never hear the g so maybe its subtle in the pronunciation. I actually found a youtube video saying how to pronounce and they seemed to alternate using a more pronounced g and a practically non existent g so it seems like the g sound is almost optional.
watching hokido girls are adorable and the dub is way funny because they give some of the hokido folks a fargo type accent. Also I swear he uses the term yaru like hot. he will say I can’t believe im friends with a yaru like that and it sounds like it would mean hottie to me. When I look it up it seems a super offensive term for a girl. That confuses me.
Its one of my favs since seeing it. Reminds me a bit of that my eternity one because of the scope.
link click and the apothecary were pretty good.
you know I think I have seen it more often with ones out of korea or maybe china as I think the one im watching now is chinese and I think another one was the tower of the gods or something which I think is korean.
ass rap is my least favorite type anyway.
not particularly. I jump around so much with series im not even sure which ones have had it outside of link click that I am currently watching.
I liked rent a girlfriend and only saw season 1 and this is in no way a dig but man I often see animes where its like how is that only just starting season 2 it was so long ago and others like this were its like woa. there are 4 seasons of this? Then some seem to have movies and its like, I would rather have more seasons than a movie.
granted I only know the anime but I really like high school double D’s. Can’t put my finger on what made it so good but couldn’t look away.
I was watching and I forgot how similar this and power rangers and voltron were.
I have had a hard time getting into this one.
While reading it is I was thinking. This has got to be a joke on anime titles.
I mean I can see it if it was like sent to gajeel but jeez whats wrong with the management over there.
wow. how do you think it stacks up next to the OG anime? I imagine the dub is better given the state of dubs back then.
latest episode? is there a new series?
I only saw the first few episodes but seemed nice to me.
Hey so um wanted to post this somewhere and figure maybe I would put it is this general thread. I use crunchyroll as a dirty casual free user and well anyway there is this “commercial” that is an over 3min long gangsta style rap video with swearing and killing talk and such. On non adult content. Anyone else seeing this??? Did crunchroll do that or were they hacked. Its crazy. Also its an incredibly aweful one in terms of sing mary had a little lamb to the beat.
you have to eat soybean, not good healthy rice.
“Hosoi cites the often-heard theory that people start to favor voluptuous body types and motherly characteristics in women during times of economic recession.”