since 2015
Why did it ever not work?
Oh it’s because the protocol forbids apps accessing the output of other apps without special support for it, so unless apps manually include support for Wayland, it will not work.
With many apps that don’t even do anything related to screenshotting or overlays - like Guake - it still does not work.
So most of my usual workflow is just broken by Wayland, productivity utterly shattered by some middleware crap and for what? Why?
Why? Why must the graphical protocol of all things break random software incl. accessibility, overlays etc.? No other OS has ever had this issue. No other OS finds it a security concern to allow apps to see other apps.
The only reason Wayland does is because it’s just terribly designed from its very conception despite the constant warnings from other Devs and users.
Oh and then there’s the Nvidia driver support…
Look at what they did with PulseAudio - now that’s the right way to do it, users don’t even know the difference except suddenly everything just works a bit better.
Ye I know that, this isn’t the own you think it is as the GNOME Devs lost their mind long ago in many other ways as well.
You can’t really spam massive essays while ignoring most of what was said or pretending it’s not true. When referring to GNOME Devs losing their mind I was talking about the design decisions of nu-Gnome, and you just went off talking about something being rushed?
Yeah great example to follow /s
Honestly I’m happy to give Wayland a chance when it starts working with software like Guake, but as it stands, it does not, based on currently stable versions of both from the Debian repos. Until then, it’s just a useless protocol made with extremely anal design of requiring apps to be heavily modified to support it for uhmmm no reason as the issues with xorg are minimal really.