Radicale has been so good I’d forgotton it existed, carddav and caldav sorted. Unix principle at its best, do one thing well (or microservices for the newbies). Why are you dogwhistling for a closed source marginal replacement for syncthing ?
Radicale has been so good I’d forgotton it existed, carddav and caldav sorted. Unix principle at its best, do one thing well (or microservices for the newbies). Why are you dogwhistling for a closed source marginal replacement for syncthing ?
Yep, as can happen easily if you buy in a batch. Just like ransom (related, no?), non-sequential serial numbers please.
If I just happen to get the bad module that craps out after 6 months, the positive reviews are not that helpful.
That’s what RAID(5) is for, if a drive craps out you just shrug and get a new one (or warranty), no data loss. Easy enough to cobble together with a PCIe card and 4ish smaller drives, faster too…
God tier VPN solution (if your provider is covered), have two running, one outs in Singapore for *arrs and a localish one for my SearxNG. So much versatility for something so solid…
Look at syncthing, set a directory with your music on your desktop/laptop , sync to phone, profit…
I was more referring to the need for RPMFusion (batteries), which is a stumbling block for newbs unless they check the what to install after you install Fedora sites etc. I appreciate the purity, but the poor confused person coming from winblows may not…
Fedora is a “batteries included” distro
You obviously don’t have NVIDIA, kudos, but no CUDA… Also, some of us like codecs, etc.
It’d be really nice if df -h actually worked for btrfs…
Also, the discrepancies can be way worse than that.
Which is not to say don’t use it, it’s a way superior filesystem, just needs some polishing with these things. Also, remember to occasionally sudo btrfs balance, or better, set up a systemd to do so…
Got as far as
I can install the driver from Nvidia itself and install it that way
and noped out. Protip, never, ever install the driver from Nvidia, that’s windows thinking. Find out how to install it from your distro (in this case RPMFusion, or better for this person, bazzite). It might even work, but it will break on updates.
Edit: Also foot shooting behaviour with cinnamon, get things working using distro default, then try on cinnamon.
Ah, yes, bad phrasing on my part which assumed knowledge. The OS is immutable, but those three are mutable. I should also have pointed out it’s prudent to spin up a new user if switching between Gnome and KDE due to dot file overlap, I’d be unsurprised if that applies to other DEs/WMs…
Did it, to bazzite, pretty painless. Yup, your config is the same. Immutable is indeed immutable.
Why doesn’t it work exported from a distrobox ?
Yea, I was gonna say, have ya not heard of backups ? but this is better.
Sure, but the point of an offline backup is to disconnect it when not in use, rendering it immune to ransomware, accidental deletions, lightning strikes etc. Plug in every week or whatever, do your backup, disconnect, sleep easy. I use an external usb hdd caddy (note that one needs a firmware update to work with bigger disks)
One backup on site on a different medium
One offline backup.
Backup on a different medium is archaic advice unless you’re willing to fork $$$ out for a tape drive system. DVDs don’t cut it in the era of 20Tb HDDs. I’d argue that HDD is the only practical media currently for > 4Tb at less than enterprise scale. Backblaze might be considered a different medium I guess.
Like the login screen. You can’t change that at all, whether it’s the background or the default zoom level, it’s part of the system packages and can’t be fixed.
in /etc/fstab (ublue-kinoite, ymmv):
# enable sddm write accesss and therefore good themes
/var/sddm /usr/share/sddm none rbind 0 0
Yes, llama.cpp and derivates, stable diffusion, they also run on ROCm. LLM fine-tuning is CUDA as well, ROCm implementations not so much for this, but coming along.
I like SearXNG, I pipe it through a gluetun vpn tunnel to mix up my traffic with others. I turn off google and use a !g bang when really necessary. One of the killer features is setting up blacklists for content farms (see config file) which has helped my dev searches immensly, also bye fandom etc.
Anything can be a feed with a bit of determination and a little knowhow ;)