:wq ✊
Are you sure it was https://laguna.chat ? I just glanced through the thread that is top of their homepage (Trump’s latest indictment by a grand jury) and the comments were all against Trump. Other posts seem like normal Lemmy stuff, no insane right wingers yelling about space Jews that I could find
That’s an almost 25% increase, that’s huge!
Nextcloud is awesome. I work in cloud engineering and we’re implementing them for a client right now. So many cool extensions, and everything open source
Just in case you don’t know, you can use those Microsoft services no problem in Linux through a web browser. You can also “install” them since they’re PWAs and integrate them with your system notifications.
There’s also Thunderbird from Mozilla, and the open source fork Betterbird that has a far more modern appearance and options. That will work easily with your existing Microsoft email.
I’m by no means encouraging that you stay on Microsoft, but moving to Linux AND changing providers for important stuff like email and calendar might be a lot all at once.
Participate on Reddit? No. Incognito browsers only. Take everything, give nothing back.
There is a nonzero probability of getting hit by a meteor at any time. A woman in Alabama was hit by one while she was inside her home, you’re not even safe indoors!
You all might think I’m a fool for wearing a helmet every time I leave my definitely meteor-proof house, but I’m not taking any chances.
How are you classifying the bias of the news sites? One of the articles used MSNBC as a right wing source which seems a little odd
So Linux doesn’t work for your use case or you’re not interested in the benefits vs the extra time and effort. So what? Us “old fogies” are enjoying it fine.
I don’t really distro hop much (you need a rolling release distro and a stable distro, never needed more) but if you’re asking I’ll assume you’re a Linux newb so really I would recommend doing something less custom. If you want Fedora and KDE, install the Fedora ISO that comes with KDE and be done.
I won’t say it’s incredibly complex to run multiple desktop environments, but it’s definitely more of a pain and can cause weird issues (fucking NetworkManager) Better to stick to the “happy path” and make your machine as standard as possible so it’s more compatible with everything, especially if you’re new to Linux
“Never thought I’d find myself fighting alongside fucking Oracle”
“How about fighting alongside a friend?”
…n-no “Fucking Oracle” is fine let’s not get ahead of ourselves
Why do you want to disable it? Unless it’s causing conflicts your easiest option by far is to simply disable all extensions and pretend it doesn’t exist
Tl;dr it’s likely that some of your hardware isn’t well supported in Linux or have vendors downright hostile to open source (fuck you, Broadcom and Nvidia) and causes you weird issues that almost always get fixed by the community but may not always work “out of the box”
I’ve been in Linux since 2008 and have asked this question in many ways over the years. To get a real answer I’d dig more into the errors you’re encountering. I think that a lot of the “simple fixes” you mention are simply options that some hardware configurations need and some don’t.
Flatpak and Linux in general deal with the same huge task as Windows, which is “support any hardware configuration with one universal solution”. While Windows is given every advantages by cooperative hardware vendors releasing official drivers, Linux is mostly supported by open source reverse engineered drivers.
This means that no “universal” system is likely to work all the time in every case, but that’s ok because it’s all open source and the community finds a way.
You mentioned themes and some graphical packages, do you have an Nvidia GPU? I never had anything but trouble on Linux with them.
Can’t get hacked if all your services are down because you can’t get those cocksuckingmothershitbitchingassbastard routing tables right 🤯
I laughed but I dunno about you guys but I don’t publicly self host anything. If you can’t auth via ssh or VPN then you’re not accessing a damn thing from my home network. I’ve got multiple routers that I could set up some isolation with but it’s just too close to home.
I…don’t remember posting this. Sorry dude, drunk me decided he didn’t like your question. I had a lovely night too this was just me being a dick on the train for no reason.
Anyway hopefully someone else was helpful lol