Of course it is, but I clearly meant a desktop client.
Of course it is, but I clearly meant a desktop client.
How many people still use an email client? Genuine question.
I use either my phone or a web interface.
Does this have any impact on the future viability of Hyprland as a project? Should it affect (on a technical level) whether users should start using Hyprland if they don’t already?
I literally installed it for the first time yesterday to take a look, but don’t want to get invested in something that may fizzle out…
Just a reboot. There’s an EFI menu listing all the available images - I keep a couple of old ones around to roll back to in case of problems - and I just select the one I want.
I have a stateless and immutable system based on arch images that get built every night. I also have two different images for the same machine: one for general use and one optimised for music production. I just rebooted into the other image and I’m set.
Interested to hear you use it with Nvidia - I was led to understand it didn’t play well with Nvidia.
I’m going to give it a try and see how it goes with my card.
Am I missing something - doesn’t bash have tab completion or of the box?
My system runs an immutable/stateless Linux and I also use virtualisation.
I’m running cleanroom: https://github.com/cleanroom-team/cleanroom
Check out cleanroom: https://github.com/cleanroom-team/cleanroom
It’s what I use for a stable and immutable system
Based on about 20 minutes of searching last night - it seems to lack support for debugging outside of gdb.
That’s quite a major thing to not have if you’re going to claim support for lots of languages…
Interesting - can I ask why you prefer home-manager to stow?
Thanks - yes I do have that, but I also wanted something specific to my dotfiles to make management and restoration a bit easier.
Yeah - this is what I meant. One virtual desktop per physical monitor.
I used to have it on a forked version of Openbox, but then I lost the binary and it doesn’t compile anymore. If just makes much more sense to me and makes window management just a little easier. Especially when apps get confused about which monitor they’re supposed to start on or try to be on both in an unhelpful way.
Desktop per monitor.
I moved from Gentoo to Arch years ago and was unable to notice any performance difference. There may have been one, but it wasn’t perceptible to me.
Poor documentation combined with the step learning curve is quite a problem imho.
Nope - that’s exactly my workflow too.
There is a “community edition” which is free.
Which is obviously not what I was saying at all…