Yep, simplyfy, standardize, modularize, repeat, and we might actually get affordable cars (or anything really) again.
Its not something encumbant car manufacturing would be trying to push for outside of their own production lines though.
Yep, simplyfy, standardize, modularize, repeat, and we might actually get affordable cars (or anything really) again.
Its not something encumbant car manufacturing would be trying to push for outside of their own production lines though.
Ive been seeing Linux take a more controler of controllers kind of role. Handling updates, networking, complex logic, logging, metric, etc.
It’ll be interesting to see where it goes. On one hand ASICs, FPGAs, and microcontroller are getting easier than ever to program, its still not as easier as having a full Linux OS to build on.
Its pretty exciting too. With EVs it makes even more sense and hopefully means we can see more competition in the market since it means more modular vehicles (imagine if every steering column could work for every drive train for example).
Some air gaps better than others
Oh Apub is great. AP is super overloaded. A7Pub maybe?
Wireguard for network access, istio gateway for exposing services, and keycloak for SSO. I want to experiment with Teleport for more fine grained access to my services.
If I had more exposed services I would mess with crowdsec for some another firewall rule set and maybe even exposing it through a TOR service proxy.
IPFS I’m really glad things like nerdctl and guix support it, but I wish more things too advantage of the p2p filesystem.
Petals.Dev and hivemind ml P2P AI inference and training seem like the only true viable options to make foundational models that are owned soley by authoritarian government s and megacorps.
Matrix for federated general real time communication. (Not justs chat, video, images, but just data, with third room being on the cooler demos for what is possible)
Activity Pub for asynchronous communication between servers. The socialmedia aspect is obviously the focus and the most mature, but I’m also excited for things like Forgejo (Codeberg.org) and Gitlab’s support.
I am also excited for QUIC for increased privacy of metadata and reduction of network trips.
You can even Nat still if you want too lol
That said have you looked at securing ipv6 networks?It can be a lot of new paridgms that need to be secured.
Ironically I was trying to push for some rnd to run all of the GPOs for windows boxes as local policy ran by ansible. Just could stand all of the wonkyness AD introduced into the system.
When it affects stability, functionality, or exceeds my abilty to secure it properly.
I hope it’s helpful! I think your idea is definitely cool, I would love to see something like it take off tbh!
Invite only app maybe? If you get the sign up process to be an NFC or QR code type thing you could effectively limit it to people in that area that know each other or that see the qr code. You could even have the signin do imprecise GPS checking if you wanted to limit it further (not fool proof, but does it have to be?)
You could have something like the described in the digital bonfires idea and have a regularly scheduled means of moving things from local to people just passing through.
I feel like free products just for decision makers sound like a straight bribe, and free Windows is still not even worth more then free and open source …
If its just one app it could just ran by something like kasm and remotely controlled by the end users.
Could SUSE’s open build system be used an alt to hydra if its a bottle neck for updates?
Right now the greatest level of supply chain secuirty that I know of is formal verification, source reproducible builds, and full source bootstrapping build systems. There was a neat FPGA bootstrapping proj3ct (the whole toolchain to program the fpga could be built on the FPGA) at last years FOSDEMs conference, and I have to admit the idea of a physically verifiable root of trust is super exciting to me, but also out of reach for 98% of projects (though more possible by the day).
You have too look at it at scale too, and most places should either be adopting some platform that already does or be planning on scaling some special service they do.
Every Podunk municple probally should have to have a AD expert, a security expert, a hardware/software lifecycle management person, etc etc
That’s how o365 can be cheaper total cost of ownership then an army of siloed sys admins, even if the software is at no cost to them.
Its an investment in total operations of the organizations of the state, from the current state of 1990s tech most operate off of to a modern IT infrastructure.
Do they seem like they are paying for a integrator like SUSE (they are THE German commercial FOSS/Linux company in my head) or is it more enthusiasts trying to push changes and providing support?
What is the best sheet to Db Tool out there? Surely this is a normalized path by now, right?
Slow and requires additional tooling to run normally. Just not a lot of development on the core pieces tbh. Wasm support for example could make deployments way simpler (implement an ipfs proxy in any browser or server that supports wasm) but the ticket for that kind of died off. There is a typescript implementation, helia, that I haven’t checked out yet.
We are honestly kind of in a decentralization winter again, with ActivityPub being one of the few survivors gaining traction from what it seems. OpenSource luckily doesn’t just up and die like that, so I still have hope for some next spring.