By any post/comment on the lemmy-ui you will see a star. That bookmarks the post/comment.
On liftoff, bookmark icon right upfront of you. You can also do an extended swipe from right to bookmark too.
By any post/comment on the lemmy-ui you will see a star. That bookmarks the post/comment.
On liftoff, bookmark icon right upfront of you. You can also do an extended swipe from right to bookmark too.
Well if you can, a monero node.
Google play store is cringe.
What’s the occasion?
I don’t have this issue. While browsing through EVERYTHING(aggregated with all the accounts) feed, liftoff sends the comment through which I’ve subscribed to that community.
I’ve no clue where are you coming from. Never heard anything like that.
Dude, admins upgraded the server. It was down for that reason.
I just got logged out of my session :D
I access lemmy through liftoff. No such issue.
Lemmy is still in a niche stage. Perhaps needs more exposure to attain more groups of people. Not sure how you came across those stats but I’m glad that I’m surrounded by matured community of human beings.
What’s the point of joining the fediverse when other antisocial network are abundantly available? They are well marketed in front of the public. I see nothing good coming out of integrating fediverse when you know they don’t really care about you.
Works for me