If you’re ok with just file storage sftpgo has been solid for me for years now. Does sftp ftp and WebDAV (like nextcloud). Webui isn’t as pretty but it’s fast. Mobile apps will be various sync apps with sftp or WebDAV support. On Android folder sync pro is pretty good for keeping documents and pictures backed up
apt install foo && apt remove foo
That’s essentially what
nix-shell -p
does. Not a special feature of nix, just nix’s way of doing the above.Actually using it though is pretty convenient; it disappears on its own when I exit the shell. I used it just the other day with
nix-shell -p ventoy
to install ventoy onto an ssd, I may not need that program again for years. Just used it with audible-cli to download my library and strip the DRM with ffmpeg. Probably won’t be needing that for a while either.The other thing to keep in mind is that since Nix is meant to be declarative, everything goes in a config file, which screams semi-permenant. Having to do that with ventoy and audible-cli would just be pretty inconvenient. That’s why it exists; due to how Nix is, you need a subcommand for temporary one-off operations.